Cine Lens Wiki - by Duclos Lenses

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Company Summary


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Lomography is a registered trademark of Lomographische AG (Austria). Sometimes styling itself the Lomographic Society International, the company promotes the use of playful and “lo-fi” cameras, which they make. The first of these cameras, which lent the company its name, was a copy of the of the Cosina CX-2 sold by Lomo of St. Petersburg, Russia: the LC-A. Since then, many whimsical, sometimes intentionally-flawed cameras and lenses have been promoted, along with a “shoot from the hip” aesthetic. Viewed as either a modern impressionistic art movement, or a simple (and effective) marketing ploy, Lomography has attracted a large international following around its “10 rules.”

Lens Models

Still Lenses

Key Figures

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External Links

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mfg/lomography [.txt] · Last modified: 2024-07-31 / 06:44:43 am PDT by JR