Cine Lens Wiki - by Duclos Lenses

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Company Summary

F&B Ceco

Company Website: (
Duclos Page: (
F & B Ceco was a long-time camera equipment sales and rental company in New York City and Hollywood. They also operated sound stages for rent. They were taken over by Camera Mart and later by Sony.

Lens Models

Cine Lenses

(Refer to Contributor Resources for formatting guidelines.)

Still Lenses

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Key Figures

(List important figures that played a significant role within the company, past and present.)



(Significant Events within this range…)


(…and other events within this range.)


External Links

(Use this section for external reference links and source acknowledgement)

mfg/fbceco [.txt] · Last modified: 2024-06-25 / 01:15:53 pm PDT by JR